Why is juicing bad?
I have been saying for years that the habit of juicing is not the healthy factor that people think. A recent study has finally shed some more light on the [...]
I have been saying for years that the habit of juicing is not the healthy factor that people think. A recent study has finally shed some more light on the [...]
Well as I have said many times before that if you live long enough you will get proven right! New guidelines soon to be published by the industry now will [...]
We often think of yeast issues as being primarily a women’s issue but this is certainly not the case. While women tend to get localized yeast infections more often, men [...]
How to lose weight was the recent topics in the news regarding diet and it contained both helpful and misinformation. During this “diet season” the Internet is filled with advice. [...]
People often ask what are the benefits, if any, from using a multi vitamin formula in liquid form. Well, the delivery system is one of a few factors involved in [...]
A New Weight Loss Formula Developed by the Institute of Nutritional Science is proving to be another excellent tool in the battle against overweight. We tested this formula and reviewed [...]
In the past, nutritionists behaved much like their medical counterparts in that they would routinely use one or two isolated nutrients in order to attempt to achieve a specific result. [...]
Several years ago we did an evaluation of hundreds of clinical studies and then conducted our own surveys on over 4,000 participants as to the possible causes of weight loss [...]
There are several nutrients that can function to help support healthier blood sugar levels. Chromium has been called the glucose tolerance factor because it can spare the release of glucose [...]
Joint support nutrients such as glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate, function as natural lubricating agents while being involved in the development of cartilage tissue. Antioxidant nutrients help to prevent free radical [...]