June 3 is national egg day and what a great idea! This is because eggs are probably one of the most perfect foods for human beings. They are a high source protein while being low in calories. It’s nutrient content is also extremely healthy and eggs provide a natural healthy source for much-needed dietary cholesterol. The debate has gone back and forth for decades, one time we are told eggs are terrible for us due to their cholesterol content, only to be told exactly the opposite next year. The truth of the matter is that from the nutritional point of view eggs are extremely balanced, so much so that a person could live off of eggs exclusively and remain quite healthy. Dietary cholesterol, such as found in eggs and other foods, contributes very little to the overall amount of cholesterol found in any given time in the human body. The majority of cholesterol internally, is manufactured in your liver because cholesterol is so essential to your health, well-being, and life itself. In fact, if your liver is in a healthy state, it will regulate cholesterol production according to dietary intake. The more cholesterol you consume in your diet the less your liver should manufacture and vice versa. This is why going on a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet has proven to be relatively ineffective in lowering total serum cholesterol over time. The key to regulating cholesterol levels long-term is to address liver function and liver health. A good  detoxification program that includes the liver will go much farther in helping cholesterol levels. To deprive your body of healthy foods just because they contain a little natural cholesterol is both unwise and unhealthy. Check back next week for information about Healthy Nutrition on Twitch.