At any given time, there are multi-millions of people attempting to lose weight and get healthier yet year after year most of them fail, why? The biggest reason is that most people are following programs that are simply not right for their chemistry. The second reason is that they have underlying issues such as a sluggish metabolism, a low thyroid or a chronic yeast overgrowth that suppresses both the system and the resting metabolic rate. We have a simple survey that can help us determine your correct weight loss program based on your internal chemistry.

When we looked at all the reasons why someone might have difficulties losing excess weight, we isolated two factors that play a strong role in that sabotage. Firstly, excess toxins in the soft tissues of the body can make the system sluggish and hence affect the metabolism as well as virtually every internal function.

We then looked at the ongoing problem of metabolic rate for many carrying excess pounds the big problem is a sluggish metabolism, but how to stimulate this in a safe way? Many older formulas used stimulants such as caffeine to raise metabolic rate but these all affect the central nervous system and can be a problem and even dangerous for many people. We have tested natural metabolic boosters with great success. These do not affect the central nervous system so no jitters or sleep problems.

Trans Fats After Killing Millions They’re Finally Going Away

Many food manufacturers have already eliminated these deadly fats, but by 2018 there can be no trans fats in any foods whatsoever. This is huge because it is estimated that trans fats in our foods causes 20,000 issues and almost as many deaths from other issues each year for the past 40 years!!

We have always said that bad stuff is not nor has it ever been the cause of bad things. The real culprits are trans fats and rancid vegetable oils, both pervasive in our diets.

The Institute of Medicine has determined that there is NO safe level of consumption of trans fats, which means even trace amounts lurking in some foods carry significant health risks. Since the food industry still has almost 3 years to fully remove these deadly fats from our food you still need to be careful. Look at Nutrition Facts labels and watch out for anything that sounds close to “partially hydrogenated oil”. This is the same as a trans fat. Some of the foods that still contain high amounts of trans fats include:

Crackers, cookies, cakes, pastries, and other baked goods unless you made them
Cake, pancake, waffle and other baking mixes (read the label)
Coffee creamers (liquid and powdered)
Canned frosting (really loaded)
Snack foods
Frozen Dinners and Pizzas

Since most of these products above are not very healthy to start with, we shouldn’t be eating them anyway but with the truth about trans fats finally coming out you should now understand that these are deadly.

Trans fats together with rancid vegetable oils are the biggest cause of the heart issues epidemic that has been killing millions for over 40 years. The food industry is NOT your friend! They are only in it for the money and not your well-being. Do NOT trust them or their advertising.

The only safe fats to use are olive oil, avocado oil, and saturated fats like butter and cream. These do not become rancid and form free radicals and are not artificial.

Since most of us have consumed our fair share of these potentially deadly oils you may want to do something about protecting yourself. Begin by taking a Full Spectrum supplement every day. Also you may wish to add an oral chelation formula to help keep your system, damaged by these artificial fats, free from blockages.

This is serious stuff folks. There is a reason why they has been killing more of us every year for the past 40+ years. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!! Check back next week for more information about the latest cutting edge nutritional information.