Here at our Research Institute we formulate products based on copious research into the clinical science available. Our formulas are often designed for the more sedentary and middle aged and older group, but we have world class athletes that also use our formulas for training, energy, and recovery from exercise.

In the cycling world there is a name that has been in the forefront of the sport for many decades and that’s John Howard. John has won virtually every major cycling race in the world – sometimes multiple times. Currently he continues to train and compete in his 70’s, winning over others half his age. One of the major factors in his ability to continue to perform at these levels past age 60 is his nutrient intake.

He has been using our formulas for over 20+ years and he states that due to properly replenishing his body he can continue the fast and strenuous pace that competition requires. If world class athletes like John Howard can benefit from taking a Full Spectrum of Nutrients daily, just think what such a system can do for you!!

On another note:

With so much misinformation everywhere regarding fats I thought it might be a good idea to cut to the chase and give you all a simple guideline as to what fats are safe and when to best use them.

For Cooking, especially high heat cooking:
Beef tallow
Fowl Fats from chickens and geese
Coconut and/or palm kernel oils

Avocado oil

For Salads and other cold uses:
Olive Oil (note this oil is also good for cooking at lower temperatures)
Peanut Oil

All other vegetable oils are unsaturated and as such, subject to oxidation and rancidity, especially when heated. Vegetable oils other than those listed above are the single greatest dietary cause for health problems.

How much fat is good? Unless you have specific dietary needs your diet should be made up of roughly 30% fat. Just be sure that the fats you choose are from the list above. Check back soon for more information about cutting edge nutrition formulations.